Monday, 3 October 2011

Bodytech- Mount Eden

This gym was lovely. Very modern, they even serve breakfast plus tea and coffee on mondays and tuesdays!!
The reception area was clean and spacious which can also be said for the changing rooms. This gym has lockers with automatic lock keypads on them which saves the hassle of having to cart padlocks and keys around with you. The gym area itself had enough cardio equipment for a large gym with many many bikes. The brand used is LifeFitness (yay!).
Bodytech offer a novel approach for their clients to circuit training. When you sign up you are taken by a trainer around their 30 minute circuit comprising of 8 machines which target each area of the body. Your trainer will set up the machines for you and record the weights and reps best suited to challenge you. After this you are recommended to do the circuit 3 times per week and they have a handy system to help you along. When you arrive in the gym area you put your card with all your workout info in a box provided and proceed to do your warm-up. When you are ready a trainer will set up your first machine for you and remains one step ahead of you setting up your next machines as you go. This style of supervision is good for those who enjoy guidance and challenge, even I enjoyed the interaction and I'm usually a lone wolf in the gym :)
I also tried the boxing class here which is free for members with a $5 glove hireage fee. Apparently each instructor has a different approach but the class I attended was great-it covered cardio (running, squats and other exercises outside), boxing with bags and partners inside, core and ab work.
This facility also has a pool!! It has 2 lanes and is around 1.6m so JUST deep enough to aquajog if youre a midget like myself, also good for lengths and I never encountered more than 4 people in the pool at once even in peak times. There is also a spa in this room.
Each changing room also has a sauna and a steam room.
Peak times did get busy but on a whole they weren't bad-there were never queues for equipment. Along with the initial circuit there is also a 'supplimentary' circuit which members progress on to including as they complete a certain number of circuits.
There is also free weights and the usual core/stetching areas.
The gym area has one full window of windows so it does not feel cagey, the pool also has a window. The lcoation is also nice in a tasteful area with plently of on-site parking in a building which is free for members and has a 2 hour limit.
The staff were very friendly and not at all pushy :)
Next post: BTS

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